Ian, mid 60s

Needed to take control of finances
If I had to choose one word to sum up how I feel about Strategic Financial Solutions, I’d say ‘grateful’. I’m so grateful that I met them. I was recommended to Strategic Financial Solutions by a colleague. We’ve since lost touch but I’m tempted to track him down, just to say thanks.

I had a big career change in the mid 1990s. From serving in the army to a corporate job. Soon after, I began to think about what I wanted for my wife and me in retirement.

My first experience with a financial advisor wasn’t a good one. His approach was to invest in high-risk businesses and when I questioned his strategy, he dumped me! I was left feeling flat and despondent. I didn’t know what to do and thought about going through one of the banks for advice, but I didn’t trust them. Thankfully, my colleague recommended SFS and as I said, for that I feel extraordinarily grateful.

I consider Paul and Kay good friends now. They’ve always been there for me. They always respond promptly to my calls and their advice is tailored to me. Mim doesn’t come to meetings anymore as she knows we’re in safe hands.

In terms of results, my super fund has returned breathtakingly good returns – always over the industry benchmark.

I was forced into an earlier than I would have liked retirement last year. But fortunately, I’m well placed owning my own home, I have an investment property ticking away, and I have my regular travel costs taken into account. All thanks to SFS. I didn’t expect to retire as early as I did and it’s been an adjustment, but I can honestly say that I’m enjoying life to its full.